Monday, 6 June 2011

Dave's Band names

Ok same deal as before, use these names at will, give credit to Dave Binns or Dave Repenter and all is well.

Chemical Warfare
Doenitz & the Wolf Pack
Goliath Stomping
Kaiserschlakt or Kaiserslacht
Mournful ballads

Remember, use original names, I don't like being confused, I mean a band called Skin ( are playing download but there not the same as Skin ( from Skunk Anansie ( even though Skunk Anansie are playing download, how will people not be confused!

They should be informed of this great new resource for band names!
Spread the word people!

Saturday, 4 June 2011

Band Names, for those who aren't original

All these are originally mine with a few picked from popular culture or place names (marked *), Dave is sending a few ideas soon.

Death to the Infidels
Steel Master
Iron Warlords
Mistresses of war
Ash Rat*
Neutron Star
Lord Berkeley's Knob*
Psychotic Crèche
Roving Mauler*
The Roving Maulers*

And below are obscure English words with interesting meanings that would make good band names:

Acapnotic (non-smoker)
acronychal (to happen at night)
Acidulous (sharp Tasting)
Acrasy (anarchy/Disorder)
zooerastia (another word for beastiality)
tedium vitae (literally 'tired of life)
taphephilia (the love of being buried alive)
tyrannicide (the act of killing a tyrant)
samogon (illicitly distilled vodka)
saprogenic (causing decay; produced in decaying matter)
also saprogenous
sapropel (ooze composed mainly of decaying organic matter)
sarmassation (love/sex play)
scaphism (death by being covered in honey and left in the hot sun)

Ok this is getting tedious and i'm missing the point, the point was that there are far too many bands with the same name!
All these names are unique, pick one if it happens you have the same name as another band, all I ask is full credit in CD/DVD/whatever releases in the "Thanks to...." section.

e.g Thanks to Martipar for the band name, it has brought us much success as we are no longer confued with ****.

Trawling through obscure word sites is hard work!